Sunday, October 12, 2008

Car Care for the Winter

This weekend was "get the cars ready for winter". We not only washed and waxed both cars but cleaned out the insides but made sure we were prepared for the winter ahead. Here's my check list:

  • Check all fluids

  • Check windshield wipers for wear

  • Tire pressure (I check mine once a month)

  • Check battery and connections (does it need to be replaced)

  • Check lights, directionals, heating elements

  • Don't forget to check your spare tire (condition and air)

Survival kit that I keep in the trunk: jumper cables, blanket, flashlight (check batteries), de-icer, ice scraper, extra gloves, bucket of sand/salt, portable shovel, old sweatshirt (to add a layer if needed), first aid kit.

I also pack bottled water, granola bar or other snack but I keep these readily accessable, like behind the seat.

Use wisdom and be safe this winter!

1 comment:

Virginia said...

Great info! I'll be the first to comment! I do need to get together a winter car bag.